I'll introduce myself

I'll introduce myself

I'll introduce myself
Hello, my name is Melli
I'm 13 years old.
I will write about general things on my blog. That means that I will write e.g. about handicraft tips, books, internet, games, children's sites, hobbies and so on.
I will write about something new at least every week.
I hope that you like my blog and that I can explain a lot to you.

Kind regards, Melli

Eintrag von Lou am 30. April 2021

sprichst du englisch Crazy

Eintrag von Niah am 30. April 2021

Hello Melli!
I am 10 years old. Nice to meet you. What is handicraft tips? I like your text. My english is bad but I can try every time a little bit more. I am in the 5. class.

Eintrag von Melli am 30. April 2021

Eintrag von Western Girl am 01. Mai 2021

Eintrag von Taschenlampe am 04. Mai 2021

Hello Melli,
Where are you from? I was born in London but we moved to Germany a few years ago. That's why I don't speak German very well.

Eintrag von Melli am 04. Mai 2021

I come from New York

Eintrag von Emma Watson am 05. Mai 2021

Wy are you on a Germansite? Would you like to learn german?

Yours Carla

Eintrag von Lou am 05. Mai 2021

Du lügst Diablo

Eintrag von Elina am 05. Mai 2021

Hey Melli!
Are you English?
I am English!
I-m so happy
Elina Smile Smile

Eintrag von Marisa am 05. Mai 2021

Hello Melli,
nice to meet you

Eintrag von Gast am 05. Mai 2021

Mellis Muttersprache kann nicht englisch sein, sie macht typische Fehler im englischen, die Deutsche immer machen!

Eintrag von Melli am 12. August 2021

Hey Gest I'm not german

Eintrag von Hannah am 07. Februar 2024

Hi Melli,
I also think that you're german like guest said. And you wrote gest instead of guest. Other than that I like your text. Smile

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